Indiana University Bloomington has fully embarked on the bold and exciting work of implementing the IUB 2030 strategic plan, including initiatives outlined in the areas of student success, transformative research and creative activity, and service to the state and beyond.
Leading our strategic vision
IUB Executive Leadership Team
The executive leadership team for IUB 2030 (ELT) is responsible for developing and advancing the full implementation structure for the plan. This includes:
Prioritizing goals
Creating and directing operational teams assigned to each goal or objective
Developing timelines and milestones for each pillar
Collaborating with the Bloomington Faculty Council and its standing committees, academic units, administrative offices, faculty, staff, student groups, and community partners
Reporting transparently on our progress and opportunities
Rick Van Kooten, Executive Dean of the College, and Stacy Morrone, Dean of the School of Education, serve as co-chairs.
View the high-level initiatives connected to IUB 2030 implementation
The IUB community will continue to find regular points of engagement and updates from the ELT, including shared progress against IUB 2030 objectives and tangible stories of impact.
Executive Leadership Team 2030 Members
Alison Sinadinos, Assistant Director, Women in STEM Living Learning Center
Anjali Gottipaty, President, Graduate & Professional Student Government
Beth Plale, Michael A. and Laurie Burns McRobbie Bicentennial Professor of Computer Engineering, Luddy School; Director, Data to Insight Center
Brian D'Onofrio, Sharon Stephens Brehm Endowed Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
Bridget Stomberg, Professor of Accounting; Undergraduate Program Faculty Chair, Kelley School
Carrie Docherty, Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs
Cate Reck, Clinical Professor of Chemistry
Cooper Tinsley, Student Body President, IU Student Government
David Daleke, Dean, University Graduate School Bloomington; Vice Provost for Graduate Education & Health Sciences
David Johnson, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Jawshing Arthur Liou, Herman B Wells Endowed Professor of Digital Art
Kathy Adams Riester, Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs; Executive Associate Dean of Students
Kyla Cox Deckard, Director of Strategy & Communications, Center for Rural Engagement
Lisa-Marie Napoli, Director, Political and Civic Engagement (PACE)
Phil Powell, Clinical Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, Kelley School; Academic Director, Indiana Business Research Center
Priscilla Barnes, Associate Professor of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health
Rachael Jones McAfee, Executive Director of Community Engagement (IU Bloomington)
Rashad Nelms, Interim Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Rick Van Kooten, Executive Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Stacy Morrone, Dean, School of Education
Tom Guevara, Director, IU Public Policy Institute
Vasti Torres, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education