IUB will build upon its existing areas of excellence and historic strength while pushing into new areas of emerging possibilities that position us to address complex societal challenges locally, nationally, and globally. We will simultaneously strive to become a globally recognized powerhouse for innovation and entrepreneurship, proactively amplifying the impact of IUB research and training the next generation of innovators. Key to advancing all of this is a campus environment that is vibrant, welcoming, respectful, and safe for all. We will continue to build an inclusive and equitable campus culture that supports individuals in conducting their best research, scholarship, and creative activity.
Updates on Transformative Research and Creativity

Accelerate sponsored research in identified transformational research areas.
Status: Faculty 100 cluster hires were recently funded for both the aging and environment research areas to continue building a critical mass of faculty who are engaged in related research. The search process is ongoing for these positions.
The aging and environment research areas continue to sponsor events for affiliated faculty. Work is underway for accreditation of IU Bloomington as an Age-Friendly University.
IU Research hosted a joint research development event bringing together faculty in the Quantum Research Network and the AI Research Network to explore collaborations and initiatives in quantum computing and AI. The group will continue to meet to advance interdisciplinary research.
Facilitators: Vice Provost for Research, Graduate School, academic deans
Increase faculty productivity in research and creative areas.
Status: The new Research and Evaluation Design Services (REDS) program provides focused expertise to strengthen evaluation and research design in proposals for extramural funding by providing specialized consultation related to evaluation plans, research design, survey methodology, and statistics.
Facilitators: Brea Perry, Carrie Docherty, academic deans
Accelerate grant-seeking among research-eligible faculty.
Status: IU Research continues to develop services to support faculty grant-seeking. Recent initiatives include the Research Evaluation Design and Support program, which provides proposal development support, and the Emerging Frontiers Grant, a seed funding program to support the formation and early collaborations of interdisciplinary teams for large grant applications.
Facilitators: Brea Perry, Carrie Docherty, academic deans
Improve utilization of existing campus research space and expand campus research space where necessary.
Status: With $45 million approved by the Board of Trustees for construction and renovations across eight buildings at IUB, the campus has embarked on an 18-month effort to optimize research spaces available to campus via at least 34 updated and new labs across central and north campus. Planning teams have identified five strategic research "neighborhoods" for IUB, which congregate researchers with high potential for collaboration and shared resources. Many of the planned renovations will be aligned with ongoing Faculty 100 hiring in priority areas.
Facilitators: Aimee Heeter, Brea Perry, academic deans
IU Innovates: Enhance entrepreneurship and innovation that has human impact.
The IU Innovates community grew by 32 members in February, bringing the total number of active members to 141.
In February, IU Innovates turned piloted events into new, recurring programming. Examples include Mentor Swarms, which connect students to external mentors, and FoundHer weekly educational workshops.
Many students experienced transformative growth, including Jared Parnes, who grew his company enough to pay himself a full-time salary after graduating this May. Izzy Branam was selected for the MIT Hacking Medicine Hackathon, and two students launched their products and sold out of their stock. Many students saw funding success, with several moving to the finals of pitch competitions, and two raising over $100K in angel investor funds.
Facilitators: Julie Heath, IU Research, academic deans
Strengthen research collaborations in the state’s innovation ecosystem.
Status: IU, Purdue, and Notre Dame formalized a joint research effort this year to address critical defense challenges in the U.S. The Indiana Research Consortium will advance tech, promote economic growth, and attract top talent to the state of Indiana.
Facilitators: Brea Perry
Improve diverse faculty recruitment and strategic placement.
Status: Efforts are being focused on ensuring there is a diverse pool of applicants for the Faculty 100 hiring initiative.
Facilitators: Carrie Docherty, academic deans
Improve faculty development.
Status: Several new faculty development programs are under development or have recently been created:
- new chair's leadership program
- new faculty-to-faculty mentoring program
- new faculty orientation program with cohort-based mentoring and socialization into the campus community
- Institute for Advanced Study's Recently Tenured Working Group (RTG)
- Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER) program
Facilitators: Carrie Docherty, academic deans
Enhance faculty recognition and awards opportunities.
Status: A group has formed to take a fresh look at the awards landscape at IU Bloomington. IU Research hired a new staff member to focus on highly prestigious faculty research awards.
Facilitators: Carrie Docherty, academic deans, recent recipients of Carnegie, Guggenheim, and NEH grants.